Crater Lake Ski Patrol requires attendance and participation in 2 mandatory training weekends the first weekend of November and December every year.

These mandatory training sessions are comprehensive and intense.  We learn indoors and practice outdoors each of these weekends – covering essential rescue techniques and protocols, first aid, Park awareness, orientation and a whole lot more.

These 2 sessions are mandatory.  Each day of training consists of several sessions happening simultaneously with experienced professional trainers and Park staff.  Organizing and planning for this comprehensive training only happens at the beginning of each season. During the season we offer clinics, classes and experiences – but the bulk of what patrollers are expected to know is taught during the mandatory training weekends.

Save the date! Plan ahead!

Sample Weekend Training Agenda



8:00 – 8:30 Greetings, Paperwork Social.    ID  Photo
8:30 – 9:30  Patrol Introductions.   “ Snow Immersion“
9:30 –10:30 Patrol Operations:     History,                       7.5  minutes
Patrol Operations:     Scheduling                  7.5  minutes
Patrol Operations:     Housing                       7.5  minutes
Patrol Operations:     Google Drive              7.5 minutes
Patrol  Operations:    Daily Activities            7.5  minutes
Patrol  Activities:        Radio                             7.5  minutes
Patrol Activities:         Wineglass Cabin          7.5  minutes
Patrol Activities:      Volunteer  E. Documentation      7.5  min.
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 1200 NPS Ski Patrol Expectations: NPS Mission,  PSAR, Visitor Contacts, EMS, L.E
12:00 – 12:30  Lunch – Bring a lunch!
1230 – 1:15 Group Rotation 1
1:15  –  2:00 Group  Rotation 2
2:00  –  2:15 Break
2:15 – 3:00 Group Rotation 3
Break Out Station 1.)   CPR  / Patient Assessment
Break Out station 2.)  Patrol Pack, Avi. Pack, Hypo. Pack, Med Pack.
Break Out Station 3.)  Patient Packaging,  Sled  /  SKED
3:00  –  3:45 Mass Casualty Incidents
3:45  –  5:00 Daily Close-Out and Travel to Annie Creek Snow Park.
5:00  –  8:00 Team Dinner,           Evening Activity
                      SKI PATROL  HOUSE  THIS  YEAR 
Time Class
8:00  –  845 Safety and Risk Management.   GAR
8:45  –  9:15 Helicopter Operations
9:15 – 9:45 SNOW  Camping,  be ready,
9:45  –  10:00 BREAK
10:00  –  10:30 Avalanche Safety:  Terrain / Route Selection
10:30 –  12:00 Avalanche Operations:  Small Group  Rescue, Shovels, Probes, Beacon. Avalanche Rescue Plan.
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch – Bring a Lunch!
12:30 –  1:00 RESCUE  VEHICLES:  Patrol Truck, SAR Trailer, Ambulance
1:00  –  3:00 RESCUE SCENARIO:  ICS  established, Avenza Navigation, Hasty Team, Route Finding, Patient Assessment, Patient Packaging, Patient Transport.
3:00  –  3:15 After Action Review.    AAR
3:15  –  4:00 Equipment Clean Up
4:15  –  4:30 Close Out
4:30  –  ***** Safe Travel  Home…